◆ 和書
・ 再生医療等製品の開発と実用化展望
・ 実験医学増刊 Vol.34 No.10 エピゲノム研究 修飾の全体像の理解から先制・個別化医療へ〜解析手法の標準化、細胞間・個人間の多様性の解明、疾患エピゲノムを標的とした診断・創薬
◆ 洋書
・ Lead Generation: Methods and Strategies, Volume 67
・ Essentials of Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
・ Protein Targeting Compounds: Prediction, Selection and Activity of Specific Inhibitors
・ Molecular Targets and Strategies in Cancer Prevention
・ Nanomedicine
・ Personalized Medicine with a Nanochemistry Twist: Nanomedicine
・ Progress in Cancer Immunotherapy
・ Novel Immunotherapeutic Approaches to the Treatment of Cancer: Drug Development and Clinical Application
・ Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient: 4. Regenerative Therapies I
・ Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient: 5. Regenerative Therapies II